Data Protection Policy




Legal Requirements
The General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on 25 May 2018. Its purpose is to protect the rights and privacy of individuals and to ensure that personal data is not processed or used without their knowledge and consent. The Northern Ireland Bowling Association will adhere to the requirements of the Regulation.

Data Protection Principles
In terms of the General Data Protection Regulation, the Northern Ireland Bowling Association is the ‘data controller’, and as such determines the purpose for which, and the manner in which, any personal data is, or is to be, processed. The person about whom we hold the data is known as the ‘data subject’.

The Northern Ireland Bowling Association will;
• not use data for a purpose other than that agreed by data subjects
• monitor the data held to ensure that it is not excessive for purpose
• ensure that the data held is accurate
• delete data when it becomes obsolete

The data subject has the right to;
• access personal data
• have their personal data rectified
• restrict processing of their personal data
• reject the processing of their personal data

Purpose of data held by the Northern Ireland Bowling Association
Data is held for the following purposes;
• to facilitate communication with member clubs regarding the affairs of the Association;
• to facilitate communication between clubs;
• to facilitate communication with Officers, General Purposes Committee, Honorary Members, Association Selectors, International Selectors and Team Management;
• to record from Member Clubs the Honorary Secretary, Match Secretary, Representative to Management Meetings, Player Registration and U18 Player Registration to facilitate communication between the Association and the Individual;
• to publish relevant data on the Association’s website.

Collection of data
Data will be collected by one or more of the following methods;
• data collection forms;
• written correspondence including email;
• verbal communication.

Consent shall be obtained at the time of collecting the data.

Processing of data
Data shall be processed by either the Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, League Secretary and/or Competitions Secretary.

Control of data
The Data Protection Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that the Association meets the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Security of data
Data held on a laptop will be password protected as are the files containing the data. Passwords are changed on a regular basis.

Data held in a paper filing system will be securely stored.