Constitution & Rules





1. Title
The name of the Association shall be NORTHERN IRELAND BOWLING ASSOCIATION (B&DPP Inc.).

2. Objects
(a) to promote and foster the level green game of bowls.
(b) to hold such annual championships and competitions as may be decided by an Annual General Meeting.

3. Laws of the Game
The code of laws of the game in force under World Bowls, with amendments approved by the Irish Bowling Association (IBA) for use in domestic competitions, shall be binding on all member clubs of this Association.

4. Affiliation
The Association shall be affiliated to the Irish Bowling Association (IBA).

5. Membership
Membership of this Association shall be open to all clubs in Northern Ireland that play the level green game of bowls on either municipal or other public greens.
Application for membership must be made to the Honorary General Secretary of the Association and must be accompanied by a list of office bearers of the Club, the name of the district or town where the green is situated and the name and address of the Club Secretary.
Applications to play in the NIBA Leagues shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee and must be made to the Honorary General Secretary not later than 1st October in any year.
A new Club on being accepted must play in the League and Cup Competitions. In the first year it will deposit £25, refundable on completion of League fixtures.

6. Subscriptions
Each member Club shall pay to the Association annually the following subscriptions on or before 1st June.
(a) a subscription which shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) a capitation fee for each of their subscribing members. The capitation fee to be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
(c) in the payment of expenses properly incurred in the efficient functioning of the Association, any such expense in excess of the available funds shall be borne in equal shares by the Clubs comprising the Association.
(d) it is required that each member Club shall make an annual contribution to the Charity Fund of this Association by payment of a donation to a charity or charities nominated by the Club in rota, with a minimum payment of fifty (£50) pounds.

7. Office Bearers
The Office Bearers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Assistant General Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Competitions Secretary, Honorary League Secretary, Honorary Safeguarding Officer, and Media / Publicity Officer in whose names the Association may sue and be sued. The Office Bearers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. If for any cause a vacancy should occur in the Office Bearers, the General Purposes Committee shall have power to fill a vacancy pro-tem.

8. Management
To conduct the business of the Association, the following committees shall be appointed annually in the manner provided:
(a) Management Committee
This Committee shall consist of:
1. The Office Bearers of the Association.
2. The Past Presidents of the previous two years.
3. One representative from each Member Club.
The Representatives from each Club shall be nominated by the Club and in the event of any such representative being unable to act at any time during his year of office, the Club which nominated him shall be entitled to nominate a substitute.
Statutory meetings of this committee shall be convened twice annually, in March or April and October, and an emergency meeting may be convened at any time at the discretion of the President.
The Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees other than a General Purposes Committee and to allocate their duties. The Committee shall be responsible for the proper transaction of the business of the Association in conformity with and subject to current rules and policy.

(b) General Purposes Committee
This Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Assistant General Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Competitions Secretary, Honorary League Secretary and seven Representatives of Member Clubs.
Seven (7) Representatives from Member Clubs shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
In the event of a vacancy arising from any cause, the General Purposes Committee shall have power to fill any such vacancy pro-tem.
Statutory meetings of this Committee shall be convened on dates to be arranged at each preceding meeting.
An emergency meeting may be convened at any time at the discretion of the President.

(c) Delegates to Council of the Irish Bowling Association
These delegates shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of the President, the Honorary Treasurer and four (4) from the Officers of the Association and Representatives of Clubs affiliated to the Irish Bowling Association.

(d) Competitions Committee
This Committee shall consist of the President, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Competitions Secretary, Honorary League Secretary and five (5) members of the Management Committee to be elected at the October meeting of the Management Committee. In the event of a vacancy arising from any cause, the Competitions Committee shall have the power to fill such vacancy pro-tem. Five (5) members to form a quorum.
The duties of the Competitions Committee shall be to meet collectively or in part, as and when convened by the Honorary Competitions Secretary or the Honorary League Secretary to assist in the preparation for, the organisation of, and the carrying out of the Association’s several Competitions and to investigate and adjudicate on any complaint or dispute, or any other matter in connection with such competitions. All decisions shall be final.

(e) Greens Liaison Officer
Greens Committee was replaced with a Greens Liaison Officer, AGM 2024
The duties of the Greens Liaison Officer shall be to liaise with the competent public authorities regarding the care, upkeep and maintenance of greens and buildings utilised by Member Clubs of the Association and to decide on the fitness of all greens for play.
If a green is declared unplayable the Greens Liaison Officer shall convey such decision immediately to the relevant League, Cup or Championships Competition Secretary.
The Greens Liaison Officer shall be elected at the October Management Committee Meeting.
The Greens Liaison Officer may attend General Purposes Committee Meetings, without voting rights, as and when applicable.

(f) Selection Committee
The Selection Committee shall consist of five (5) members and shall be elected annually at the October meeting of the Management Committee. This committee shall be responsible for selecting and arranging the teams to represent the Association in the Senior and Junior (Under 25) Inter-Association Tournaments but Committee members shall not be eligible to play in these Tournaments.
After the Committee has been elected, a rota shall be established in accordance with the number of votes cast, the lowest being put at the top. Each year thereafter the two members at the top of the rota shall retire but shall be eligible re-election. The newly appointed members shall be placed at the bottom of the rota.
In the event of a vacancy arising owing to some emergency, a new member can only be co-opted during the playing season – April to September. During the rest of the year names can only be discussed at a meeting of the other selectors and their recommendations brought to the Management Committee for confirmation.
The Honorary General Secretary of the Association shall be an ex-officio member without voting powers unless he is an elected member.
Selection Committee 2025:  T Cheevers (Convener), M Crooks, C Dennison, J McCloughlin, and K Taylor.

(g) Safeguarding Officer
The Safeguarding Officer shall liaise with Statutory Bodies, Irish Bowling Association and Member Clubs on all matters relating to the safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults.
The Safeguarding Officer shall be appointed by General Purposes Committee. If not a member of that Committee, they shall be entitled to attend meetings but without voting rights.

(h) Media / Publicity Officer
The Media / Publicity Officer shall be reasonable for the development and maintaining a presence for the Northern Ireland Bowling Association on Social Media, Digital Channels and Newspaper platforms.
The Media / Publicity Officer shall be appointed by General Purposes Committee. If not a member of that Committee, they shall be entitled to attend meetings but without voting rights.

(i) Webmaster
The Webmaster shall be appointed by General Purposes Committee.
The Webmaster shall be responsible for all aspects relating to maintaining and content of the NIBA Website.

Members elected to Committees under (c), (d) and (e) of this rule must be currently members of the Management Committee.

9. General Meetings
All General Meetings of the Association shall consist of:
(a) The Officers of the Association; and
(b) Not more than two (2) representatives from each Member Club.
A roll call of Member Clubs will be made prior to the commencement of each General Meeting. Seven days notice shall be given for such meetings and thirty (30) members shall form a quorum.
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held on or before the last Saturday in November of each year at such time and place as the Management Committee may decide.
A Special General Meeting may be called
(a) at the request of a Member Club of the Association. Such requisition must state the business to be brought forward and be accompanied by a deposit of thirty (£30) pounds. The meeting shall decide whether or not to refund the deposit.
(b) on the decision of the Management Committee.
The notice convening such Special General Meetings must state the business for which it is being called and no other business shall be transacted.

10. Duties of Office
(a) Duties of the Honorary General Secretary
The Honorary General Secretary shall be responsible for the proper carrying out of all day-to-day work of the Association as directed by the Management Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, without voting powers, unless he is an elected member of such Committees.
(b) Duties of the Honorary Assistant General Secretary
The Honorary Assistant General Secretary shall be responsible for the recording of all business transacted at meetings, and such other duties as may from time to time be delegated to him by the Honorary General Secretary.
(c) Duties of the Honorary Treasurer
The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all Association funds and for the maintenance of proper records in respect of such funds. He shall submit such accounts, duly audited, in respect of the current year, at the Annual General Meeting. The financial year shall end on 30th September.
(d) Duties of the Honorary Competitions Secretary
The Honorary Competitions Secretary shall be responsible for the entire preparation for the organisation of and the carrying into effect of the Association’s Open Singles, Open Youth (U18) Singles, Open Junior (U25) Singles, Open Pairs, Open Triples, Open Fours and Open Senior Fours Championships, Mixed Pairs Championships and Junior Singles, Junior Pairs, Junior Triples and Junior Fours Championships, including the maintenance of proper records of such Championships. He is empowered to convene meetings of the Competitions Committee as and when necessary and to utilise the services of the Competitions Committee either collectively or in part to assist him in the carrying out of such duties and to ensure that all arrangements for the Championships are efficiently carried out.
(e) Duties of the Honorary League Secretary
The Honorary League Secretary shall be responsible for the entire preparation for the organisation of and the carrying into effect of the Association’s Leagues and Senior, Intermediate and Junior Cup Competitions including the maintenance of proper records of such Leagues and Competitions. He is empowered to convene meetings of the Competitions Committee as and when necessary and to utilise the services of the Competitions Committee either collectively or in part to assist him in the carrying out of such duties and to ensure that all arrangements for the Competitions are efficiently carried out.
(f) Duties of Honorary Auditors
The Honorary Auditors shall be to examine and, if found correct, to certify the financial accounts of the Association. Two such auditors shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting.
(g) Safeguarding Officer
The Safeguarding Officer shall liaise with the Member Clubs of the Northern Ireland Bowling Association and the Irish Bowling Association on all matters relating to the safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults. The Safeguarding Officer shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. If not, already a member of the General Purposes Committee, they shall be entitled to attend meetings but without voting rights.
(h) Media / Publicity Officer
The Media / Publicity Officer shall be reasonable for the development and maintaining a presence for the Northern Ireland Bowling Association on Social Media, Digital Channels and Newspaper platforms.
Media / Publicity Officer shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. If not, already a member of the General Purposes Committee, they shall be entitled to attend meetings but without voting rights.

11. The Vice-President
The Vice-President shall be nominated each year from the Rota of Clubs, with these exceptions:
(a) New Clubs on attaining five (5) years continuous membership at the date of their election and having paid the annual subscriptions for a period of five (5) years shall automatically qualify for the privilege of nominating a name in the first available year after the qualifying period. In the event of two Clubs attaining five (5) years membership in the same year, the Management Committee shall have the discretionary powers to decide which Club shall have preference.
In the first instance, the name shall be submitted to the Honorary General Secretary before 1st October in each year. It shall then be considered by the Management Committee and, if approved, the name shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
In the event of a Club waiving their privilege, the Club next in order in the rota shall have the right to nominate.
(b) The Management Committee shall have the right to nominate the Vice-President every 7th year. A Past President of the Association shall not be eligible for nomination by the Management Committee.

12. Past Presidents
Past Presidents desiring to retain membership of the Association after their tenure of office has expired may do so provided they remain a member of an affiliated Club.
A Past President shall be entitled to attend all meetings of the Association but he shall have no vote unless he be also an Office Bearer, a member of the Management Committee or a delegate of a Club.

13. Honorary Members
The Association shall have power to elect as an Honorary Member any gentleman whose position among bowlers or whose services in the interests of the game are such as entitle him to that distinction and who has been recommended by the Management Committee.
An Honorary Member shall be entitled to attend all meetings of the Association but he shall have no vote unless he is also an Office Bearer or the Representative of a Club.

14. Trophies
All trophies shall be deemed to be the property of the Association and shall be vested in the Honorary Officials of the Association. The presentation of these trophies shall be at the discretion of the Competitions Committee and the Clubs winning them shall on receipt of same give the Association’s Honorary General Secretary a written undertaking signed by the President and Secretary for their safe custody and return in good condition when required by the Association.

15. Charities Fund
(a) Object: To raise monies for institutions or charitable organisations.
(b) An agreed Rota of Clubs shall be established and each Club in turn shall be credited with the sum described which shall be forwarded by the Honorary Treasurer of the Association to such charitable purpose as may be specified by the Club concerned provided that any charitable purpose nominated shall not be re-nominated within a period of five (5) years.

16. Notice of Motion
No amendment, addition or alteration to the Constitution and Rules of the Association or to the Rules Governing the several Competitions shall be made except at Annual or Special General Meetings of the Association.
Notices of Motion relating to such proposed amendments, additions or alterations may be submitted by
1. The Management Committee
2. A Member Club
Such Notices of Motion shall be forwarded in writing to the Honorary General Secretary not later than 1st October for the Annual General Meeting or 42 days prior to a Special General Meeting and must be included in the Notice of Business for such meeting.
Amendments, additions or alterations shall not be made unless passed by at least two thirds of the votes cast. Such amendments, additions or alterations shall be reflected in the relevant document for publication and display in the NIBA Yearbook section on the NIBA Website without undue delay.

17. Safeguarding Policy
The Northern Ireland Bowling Association is fully committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of all its members. At all times, every individual should show respect for and understanding of the rights, safety and welfare of others and in particular, young people and vulnerable adults and conduct themselves in a way which reflects the principles of the Northern Ireland Bowling Association and the guidelines set out in the Northern Ireland Bowling Association Safeguarding policy.

18. Disciplinary Procedure
Any charge or complaint involving an alleged offence not dealt with under any other Rule of the Association must be lodged, in writing to the Honorary General Secretary, within thirty days of the alleged offence. He will refer the matter to the next routine meeting of the General Purposes Committee. If this would involve a delay of more than thirty (30) days, or when the issues involved are such that a speedy resolution is imperative, he will summon a Special Meeting of the Committee to consider the issues. The date of the meeting shall be notified to the parties involved asking them to submit any (further) written representations they might wish to bring to the attention of the meeting. The Committee may deal with the matter or postpone its consideration to its next meeting, but a member of the Committee who is either a party, or a member of a Club which is a party, to the issues will be excluded from the Committee’s considerations and decisions. It will be for the Committee to determine whether oral evidence from the parties on each side will be heard and which, if any, other witnesses should be heard and/or documentary evidence examined.
After detailed examination and consideration of the facts the Committee shall determine any appropriate sanctions, including periods of suspension or severance of membership of any Club or Club member, to be imposed on any or all of the parties involved. The decisions of the Committee shall be final. The Honorary General Secretary shall keep a full record of the considerations and decisions of the Committee relating to the issues and will notify those decisions, in writing, to the parties on each side as soon as possible and certainly no later than seven days after the decisions are made.

19. Contingencies
The Management Committee shall have power to deal with all contingencies which may arise and which are not governed by these rules.

20. Indemnity
Members of the General Purposes Committee shall be indemnified by the Northern Ireland Bowling Association against all costs, losses and expenses which they may incur, or may become liable for, by reason of any contract entered into or act, or thing done in good faith, in accordance with the instructions of the General Purposes Committee, Management Committee or a General Meeting of the Northern Ireland Bowling Association.
It shall be the duty of the Northern Ireland Bowling Association to make provision for such costs, losses and expenses to be met out of its funds or otherwise.

Note – in all of the above and in any of the following rules, the terms member/membership and affiliated/affiliation shall be deemed to have one and the same meaning.