League Fixtures 2022
NIBA League fixtures are now available for viewing under NIBA Leagues menu on website.
For Season 2022 there will be 5 Divisions.
Division 1 will consist of 9 sides, Division 2 with 10 sides and Division 3a will have 13 sides, with all sides fielding 16 players in usual format of 4 teams of 4 players.
Division 3b with 9 sides and Division 3c of 9 sides will both use an agreed number of players of between 10 and 12.
Some clubs will do well to field 10 players, whilst others hope to field 12, so Match Secretaries are encouraged to agree with their opponent’s the number of players available for each game in advance of that particular fixture. Those Clubs in 3b and 3c, may field a 10 player side consisting of 2 Pairs and 2 Triples, or a 11 player side of 1 Pair and 3 Triples or a 12 player side consisting of 4 Triples. All games to be played over 18 ends, with Pairs delivering 3 bowls each and Triples 2 bowls each.
Further details will be made available at March Management Meeting.