Resumption of Outdoor Bowls – Update
Please find below extract from IBF & IBA websites.
‘The NI Executive announced yesterday that the Health Protection Regulations are to be amended to reflect that outdoor sports courts can open. This will include outdoor bowling greens.
These easements announced by the NI Executive will apply from the 8th of June. The NI executive will let us know at the NI Executive briefing on the 4th of June if they are happy for the easements announced yesterday to go ahead on the 8th of June.
Outdoor sporting activities like outdoor bowls will then be permissible as long as protocols are in place to ensure compliance with all elements of the regulations including restrictions on the number of people gathering, restrictions on access to premises, social distancing, and appropriate hygiene arrangements.
Please refer to the IBF Guidelines which can be found on this website under the header:
Clubs must ensure that the guidelines are followed to ensure safe bowling conditions for all members.
We have been waiting for a while for this news, and we thank all our members for their patience. We will make another confirmatory announcement following the NI executive briefing on the 4th of June’.
Great News. It should be noted that each local Council may put additional restrictions in place.
NIBA Secretary wishes to thank Colin Campbell for many hours spent communicating with Department for Communities and SportNI to clarify position since yesterday’s ‘outdoor sports courts’ announcement.
Further information will be posted as and when received.